
Registration is required to be admitted to the venue and participate in the conference’s scientific program and other 3DIC 2024 activities. To receive the best rates for the conference, we encourage delegates to take advantage of the generous Early Bird.

Online Registration

Registration Fees

Early Bird due date is extended to Sept. 10, 2024.

Category Early Bird (On or before Sept. 10, 2024) Late/Onsite Registration (after Sept. 11, 2024)
IEEE member 55,000 JPY 63,000 JPY
IEEE Non-Member 65,000 JPY 73,000 JPY
IEEE Student Member 25,000 JPY 25,000 JPY
Student Non-Member 25,000 JPY 25,000 JPY
Additional Banquet Ticket 10,000 JPY 10,000 JPY

(At least one author must register for the conference (with payment) by Augst 31, 2024 and attend the Conference to present the paper.)


  • Consider being an IEEE member to receive full member benefits. memberships). Interested in joining IEEE? Click HERE!
  • Registration fee includes admission to all technical sessions, coffee breaks, welcome reception, banquet, a copy of the final program, and e-proceeding. Registration for banquet is required for the spouses of the conference registrants.

Method of Payment

Online Credit Card Payment (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX or JCB) only.

Refund Policy

50% of paid registration fees will be returned (after deduction of any related transaction fees) if the cancellation is made on/before September 13, 2024. (Japan Time-UCT+9). No refund will be given if cancellation is made after September 14, 2024.

Inquiries for Visa documentation

Deadline for Visa Support Application August 23, 2024
Online request form URL:

Citizens of certain countries are required to obtain a visa to enter Japan. Please check the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) to know if you need to obtain a visa and the visa application procedures.
– Exemption of Visa (Short-Term Stay):

– Visa Application Procedures:

The organizer will prepare the documents that should be prepared by the inviting person in Japan and send them to you.

Before you apply for assistance, you are required to take the following steps.

  1. Complete your registration with full payment of the registration fee
  2. Book a Flight
  3. Reserve a Hotel
    *The period of your stay must be scheduled for a maximum of 2 weeks (including symposium period (4 days), arriving and departing day in Japan (2 days)).
  4. Download questionnaire form by clicking “Questionnaire Form for Visa Support” button on the main menu of your registered account after your registration is complete.
  5. Submit filled questionnaire form at by August 23, 2024. You will hear from within several days.

Important Notes:
*If you are unable to obtain a visa and cancel your registration, you will still be subject to the 3DIC 2024 cancellation policy.
*The organizer will issue visa support documents, but this does not guarantee that you will receive a visa.

3DIC 2024 Secretariat
Semiconductor Portal
Tel: +81-3-6807-3970

Official Sponsors

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