NanoTerasu VISIT
Afternoon, September 27, 2024


A laboratory visit in IEEE 3DIC2024 will be held on Friday afternoon, Sept. 27.
100 applicants will receive a free visit to the NanoTerasu, a new 3GeV high-brilliance synchrotron radiation facility, which is the world’s most advanced large-scale research facility that enables observation of the nanoworld at one billionth of a meter.


There are no paid slots available, so we recommend those who wish to attend are encouraged to apply as soon as possible along with their registration.

Japanese explanation: 2 pm – 3 pm (Max. 50 persons)This session is now full.
English explanation: 3 pm – 4 pm (Max. 50 persons) – still available.

The details including transportation will be announced to the selected participants later.

– 3 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan –

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